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Terms & Conditions

Please find below the AWP Service Agreement for photographic services from Alex Wright Photography. This document is sent to each client to be signed before photographic services have been secured. It forms a binding arrangement between the parties listed within Section 1. Whilst these are my standard terms and conditions, each event has a custom service agreement which can be customised at the request of the client and with all parties approvement.

AWP Service Agreement

1. Parties

"The Photographer” ALEXANDER WRIGHT AND "The Client" INSERT NAME

2. Definitions

Photographer – The person, named at the top of this Agreement, who is hired to photograph the Event.
Event – The planned public / social / private occasion which the Photographer is hired to photograph, details of which can be found at the end of this Agreement.
Agreement – This binding arrangement between the parties listed at the beginning of this document.
Client – The society, private organisation or individual who are requesting the services of the Photographer.
Client’s Representative – The person who has contacted the Alex Wright Photography and is signing this Agreement on behalf of the Client.
Client’s Members – Those persons who are a part of the society or organisation (including, but not limited to, society members, staff etc.)
Client’s Guests – Those persons who are not Members but are attending the Event (including, but not limited to, guests of the Client, guests of the Client’s Members)

How will I receive the photos?

As standard, I will upload social-media ready images onto my Facebook page whilst also sending the client a folder of the same images, often by WeTransder or DropBox.

3. Exclusive Photographer

3.1 The Photographer, Alexander Wright, shall be the exclusive photographer of the event (unless otherwise specified).
3.2 Guests of the Client are permitted to photograph the Event as long as they do not interfere with the Photographer’s duties.

4. Charges

4.1 Charges will vary depending on the venue and number of hours the Photographer is contracted to work.
4.2 Additional travel expenses may be charged for events that end after 11.30pm or if the event is located at a venue not easily accessible via public transport.
4.3 If hours in excess of those arranged are needed, please inform the Photographer before or during the event. Any additional hours required would be charged an additional 50% of the agreed hourly rate.

5. Delivery of Images

5.1 The images shall be uploaded onto the Alex Wright Photography Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/AWrightPhoto/, in the Facebook High Quality Option (2048px long edge), unless otherwise requested.
5.2 All images will include an Alex Wright Photography watermark, unless otherwise requested.
5.3 No images will be uploaded until the Photographer has received full payment.

6. Payment

6.1 The Client shall pay the Photographer the agreed amount at the bottom of this document.
6.2 The payment can be made via cash or cheque before the start of the Event. Cheques should be addressed to the Alexander Wright.

7. Late Payment

7.1 If the Photographer is not paid by the payment due date an additional 10% shall be added to the price per day the payment is delayed. Up to a maximum of 100% additional cost of the agreed cost will be charged.
7.2 By default, the Payment Due Date is the date of the Event, unless otherwise requested

8. Client Cancellation

8.1 If the Client shall cancel this Agreement, the Client shall be responsible for notifying the Photographer of the cancellation as soon as reasonably possible.
8.2 If the cancellation is made within 2 days of the event start, a 25% cancellation fee will apply.
8.3 If the Client fails to notify the Photographer of the cancellation so that the Photographer arrives at the Event, the Client shall be liable to compensate the Photographer for 50% of the amount indicated at the end of this agreement.

10. Copyright and Reproduction

10.1 The Photographer shall own the copyright to all images created and shall have exclusive right to make reproductions.
10.2 The Photographer shall only make reproductions for the Client, the clients guests or the Photographer’s portfolio, self-promotion, entry in photographic contests or exhibitions or website.

11. Client’s Usage

11.1 The Client and their members are obtaining images for personal use or use by their Society / organisation only. The Client is entitled to make prints for their own use, however, it is strictly forbidden to sell any images or use them for commercial purposes.
11.2 If the images are to be published online, including (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, it is requested that Alex Wright Photography is credited for all images.

12. Processing and Delivery of Images

12.1 The Photographer reserves the right not to include all images taken at the Event in the delivery of images.
12.2 In most cases, the images will be uploaded to the Alex Wright Photography Facebook Page or delivered to the client within 72 hours of the Event, unless otherwise noted before the Event. Failure to do this, due to reasons other than those beyond the Photographer’s control, will give the Client the right to claim a £10 refund.

13. Removal of Images from Facebook

13.1 The Client and the Client’s Members have the right to request that an image be removed from the Alex Wright Photography Facebook page.

14. Damage to Equipment

14.1 If the Photographer’s Equipment (any photographic equipment or materials the Photographer has brought to the Event, including, but not limited to, lenses, camera bodies, flashes and backdrops) is damaged by the Client or the Client’s Guests during the Event, the Client shall be liable for the cost of replacing or repairing the Equipment.

15. Data Protection

15.1 By completing this Agreement, you agree to allow Alex Wright Photography to store your personal details (including but not limited to your name, email and phone number) on our hard drive and online backup service (OneDrive). We will not share you details with anyone outside Alex Wright Photography.

16. COVID-19 and Events

16.1 It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure their Event operates within COVID-19 procedures at the time it occurs.
16.2 The Photographer shall inform the Client if a positive COVID-19 test is found prior to the Event. If a replacement Photographer cannot be found, the Client is entitled to a full refund. If a positive COVID-19 test is found after attending the Event, the Client will be informed.
16.3 The Client shall inform the Photographer if multiple positive COVID-19 tests occur after the event, as a precaution to further spread of viral illness.
16.4 The Client accepts the Photographer may have a medical exemption which prevents the wearing of a face covering during any given Event.

© 2014 - 2025  Alex Wright Photography